Indyfreak's Movie Review of Colossus of Rhodes, The ( Colosso di Rodi, Il )

Rating of

Colossus of Rhodes, The ( Colosso di Rodi, Il )

Indyfreak - wrote on 01/22/19

An early directorial effort by Sergio Leone who'd score success with his spaghetti westerns later, The Colossus of Rhodes is a splashy robust adventure story about swashbuckling strongmen battling evildoers against one hell of a backdrop, the gigantic statue that ended up lost in an earthquake. Rory Calhoun is competent as the hero. The cast likewise is fine but they lack the larger-than-life personas of Hollywood counterparts often seen in sword-and-sandal epics like this. It's entertaining but could have packed a bigger punch given the title.

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