CJP's Movie Review of Slumdog Millionaire

Rating of

Slumdog Millionaire

CJP - wrote on 01/02/09

Action: 3/3 + Comedy: 1/2 + Good vs Evil: 1/1 + Love/Sex: 1/1 + Special Effects: 1/1 + Plot: 1/1 + Music: 1/1 = 9/10 or 90%.

Danny Boyle follows up the brillaint "Sunshine" with the brillaint story, based on the book "Q & A", of a poor boy who is about to win "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" for one of the following reasons: A) He cheated B) He's Lucky C) He's a genius D) It is written.

It is rare fun when the wrenching story of a rise from the ghetto allows the audience to participate in the Q & A and have fun! A complete, well rounded, human drama that, in my opinion, is superior to it's fellow dramas of Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Milk. Well done Mr. Boyle!

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