Rating of
CJP - wrote on 02/08/09
Action: 2/3 + Comedy: 0.5/2 + Love/Sex: 0.5/1 + Plot: 0.5/1 + Music: 1/1 + Good vs. Evil: 0/1 + Special Effects: 0.5/1 = 5/10 or 50%.
Nothing in Spawn is memorable or well done. In 1997 the world was also on Spawn overload. The animated cable series was far superior, dark, and much, much more dramatic. The comic sold through the roof, toys were everywhere, and everyone knew Spawn's hell-centric roots.
Thus, more toys had to be sold and a watered down and lame kid's version had to be made. If you enjoy 2-hour and one dimensial toy commercials (ala Schumacher's Batman "films") then have at it. Additional props if you can stay awake.