Rating of
CJP - wrote on 02/09/09
Action: 1/3 + Comedy: 0.5/2 + Love/Sex: 0.5/1 + Plot: 0/1 + Music: 1/1 + Good vs. Evil: 0.5/1 + Special Effects: 0.5/1 = 4/10 or 40%.
There are two scenes in this film which are worth mentioning. The first is when a student named Julius, who is a boxer, challenges Jason to a fight. Julius unloads on Jason for nearly 3 minutes. It's similar to the Family Guy scenes with the giant chicken fights! At the end of the fight Jason throws one punch and literally knocks of Julius' head. Hilarious!
The second scene worth mentioning is during the climax. Jason and the three survivors are in the sewer. Somehow, toxic waste floods the sewers after the survivors get out. Somehow again, the toxic waste transforms Jason back into a little boy. What the hell is going on with this film?!?