Stoney McStonerson's Movie Review of Hundreds of Beavers

Rating of

Hundreds of Beavers

Nice Beaver!!!!
Stoney McStonerson - wrote on 06/10/24

Stumbled on this odd little flick with hearing very little. I wouldn't be going out on a limb saying I doubt you will have seen anything quite like it. It's sort of like Looney Toons, Charlie Chaplin and Monty Python all rolled into one large burlap sack and then beaten against a wall, run over by a steam roller and then thrown into a well.
It's chaos with live action and animation (lol) that really wants to remain silly to its core. Unfortunately it isn't near as funny as any of the previously mentioned. Not as nonsensical as Looney Toons. Not as quite the heartwarming fun as Chaplin nor as totally absurd as Monty Python. But it's not from lack of trying.
Some gags hit but only a few warrant out loud laughs. You will smile and smirk more because it really does try and it sometimes succeeds. It was possibly a few stronger site gags and a little more budget away from really hitting home but it's still worth seeing.

My grade 2 1/2 Joints

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