Rating of
It's Hard To Go Wrong With Sarandon and Penn
Freddie - wrote on 09/09/10
Dead Man Walking is about a man on death row, played by Sean Pean, who seeks spiritual guidance from a nun, played by Susan Sarandon. This movie sends a strong political message in opposition of the death penalty. What this movie lacked in intense action and suspense it made up for with good writing and exceptional acting. It focuses on the characters and their assorted emotions on the days leading up to the execution.
One of the most brilliant aspects of the film are the flashbacks of the violent act that landed Penn's character on death row juxtaposed with his struggle towards redemption. It creates a conflict of emotions where on one hand you want to hate the character and on the other you feel pity. What is also great about this movie is that everything is brought to full completion and the only thing left to ponder is whether it's really okay to kill a man for killing a man. I won't get into a political discussion on this, but to me personally, the answer is pretty obvious.