Lonewolf's Movie Review of The Exorcist (1973)

Rating of

The Exorcist (1973)

Lonewolf - wrote on 08/01/24

What can I say about this william friedkin masterpiece ? The fact that I as a 13 year old at the time watched this and have never been so frightened in my life..Cinematic gold that still stands alone even today. 2 weeks of sleeping with the lights on in a time where we as humans were not so desensitized as we are now.. no social media..no cell phones..only the theatrical trailer to edge us on...I wasnt at all prepared for what I experienced.. the makeup ..the music and sound effects the acting was just insane..if you havent seen this film by all means check it out..btw my daughter laughs at this film now..sigh..different times.

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