Rating of
Give me a Schtikel of Floride
Holas - wrote on 01/21/10
O.K., so a friend of mine wrote a review of this movie and shared it with my wife. My friend happened to like the movie. I hadn't seen it in a long time, and told her that I thought it was an o.k. of a movie. I had re-watched the movie two nights ago, and I must say that it is better than I thought. I just think all the disappointments from Williams lately made me think this was just as bad. But I was wrong. This is a real good movie, good for laughs and moments of relating to what Williams wants to acheive. Someone on filmcrave said this was at times a tear-jerker, i completely disagree. You won't need your tissues for this one, only another's good shoulder to rest your head on. All the co-stars are great, including Potter (Con-Air) Coyote (Legend of Billie Jean - Monster Squad) and Hoffman (Twister - Capote). I even like the nut-job who was Williams roommate in the crazy house that he was also in King's 'Green Mile' I'm pretty sure he's on Sesame Street with Elmo.
The movies about a man, who almost committed suicide and checked himself into this pre-mentioned crazy house. He helps outs his roommate by over coming his fear of imaginary squirrels by pertending that he sees them too and shoots them all with a pretend gun and missle launcher....(wow). Williams' character then realizes he is all better and wants to become a doctor, but not just any old fashion doctor, but an actual 'care giver....improvement on life--not just the sickness. The doctor who is teaching his class wants Adams (Williams) gone and forgotten. But because of Adams' incredible grades, he makes it through medical school. The entire greatness of the movie has nothing to do with the time in medical school or the times he visits the patients in the hospital, but the greatness is within Patch Adams-the character. There doesn't need to be a scene behind him, just him on a stage and reheasing his lines with his fellow actors....and you would still have a wonderful movie.
It's no Dead Poet's Society, Awakenings, Good Morning Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, but it is Good Robin Williams.