Chris Kavan's Movie Review of Incoming

Rating of


Well-Trodden Road Leads to a Few Laughs
Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/02/24

Much in the same vein of a Superbad or Good Boys - Incoming follows best friends Benj (Mason Thames), Connor (Raphael Alejandro), Eddie (Ramon Reed) and Danah (Bardia Seiri) as they navigate freshman year and their first party. Each has their own hang-ups - Benj has a serious crush on his sister's friend Bailey (Isabella Ferreira), Connor is short and immediately has to deal with the nickname fetus (I can relate my dude, I can relate), Eddie is dealing with a creep of a stepdad and is bit of a coward and Dahah is living in the shadow of his much cooler and psycho brother.

Thames is our main character, however, and Benj is looking to shed his image in hopes of becoming someone Bailey might want to actually hang out with - but, of course, the main point the movie tries to make is that you should just be yourself and things will go much better. While the film doesn't shy away from social media - from the fame-chasing popular Katrina (Loren Gray) to the downfall of the cool teacher Mr. Studebaker (Bobby Cannavale) - I'm surprised the film didn't lean more heavily into the influence of what has become a ubiquitous part of modern teen life.

In any case, remember a few things: don't take a line of any drug unless you know FOR SURE what you're getting; Alcohol and Taco Bell NEVER mix well; and in age of smart phones and social media no high school teacher should ever come within ten miles of any high school party. Also, what is up with modern music? I guess like Danny Glover, I'm getting too old for this shit.

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