Rating of
TrifibianTerror - wrote on 01/13/10
Now, I'm not a religious man. Well, not to the extent you would think, but anwhow, I bought a film recently entitled 'Necromentia'. From my reading of the back description, I thought it would be agreat film. Gates to Hell, demons, necromancy, you know. Well, my first point of confusion and certain fear came from the warning that they give you. It was an 18's film, which boasted scenes of violence, bad language and fetish. Whoah. Fetish? S&M? Oh dear. Alright, I can handle that.
Oh, how I was wrong.
I'll stop beating around the bush here.
Necromentia is the sickest, vilest, most borderline blasphemous peice of shit I have ever seen. I'm not terribly religious; hardly, but I actually felt insulted whilst witnessing this gross excuse for cinema. And what makes it so hideous?
Yes. Mr. Skinny is this films main attraction, I think. Mr. Skinny is an obese man-thing with a pig mask with tubes and bondage gear all over him, who tells a wheelchair bound teen to kill himself. His brother, who works in a fetish club for people who find mutilating torture a turn on (I'm talking about stabbing and carving off flesh, here), saves him the first time, and then hires a carer for his disabled sibling. Who is then promptly slaughtered ands his intestine sused to hang the disabled kid. BY Mr. Skinny. Who rapes the younf boy as he disembowels his carer.
Then there's the friggin' necrophile who wasjes his wifes corpse constantly, believing she will come back.
All of this bullcrap is somehow strung together with a paper-thin, incoherent plot about Gates to Hell and necromancy. It amazes me a film producer, even a small one such as this, would ever agree to fund such a peice of vile crap. It boggles the mind, it really does.
The film boasts it is based off of the works of Clive Barker, which I severely doubt. Yes, Clive Barker has the Hellraiser series, notable for their gore and the weird fetishistic wardrobe of the Cenobites, but the man at least writes stories. Necromentia just has nothing. And not only is the film weird and sick, it's also really bad. I mean it's on the same level of REPO! The Genetic Opera. It is poorly acted, poor;y directed, poorly written and all-rond wrong. Morally wrong.
This film makes Manos: The Hands of Fate look like The Shining.
I do not reccomend this film whatsoever, and I never will. No matter how much brain damage I suffer. It is, in fact, proff there is no God. No benevolent deity would let this exist. But it does. I avctually think it killed God.