Rating of
TrifibianTerror - wrote on 01/20/10
Set in the near future where everybody is a dick and plays Society, a sim game gone wrong, the creator, Ken Castle (oddly enough played Michael C. Hall of Dexter fame) creates a new game in which deathrow prisoners are controlled via a computer to kill each other. The game is called Slayer, a sort of 3rd person shooter. The film revolves around Kable, a contestant in Slayer controlled by a hideously annoying little arsehole teenager who I would rather see get shot instead of Gerard Butler. Kable is unstoppable, after surviving 29 games. If he should win the 30th, he is set free to see his wife and kid. But instead, he leaves the game area to find Castle...because he can, I suppose. Or maybe so he can be set free. He finds Castle, kills him, happy ending.
Now, this film's story could have been utilized so much better. If they could have taken out out the Society sub-plot, which was annoying and weird with Milo Ventimiglia (of Heroes fame) playing a character called Rick Rape. Mmmyep. Seriously, though, if it had been simply Kable just trying to get out of the game Slayer and killing Castle, it would have been an adequately satisfyting action romp. But it wasn't. It was annoying as Hell. The characters were 1 dimensional and totally unlikeable, the effects were irritating with all the lens flares, random glitchy effects and rewinding the footage a second or so back, the acting was sub-par and it was a generally bad film. Obscene when uneeded, confusing and containing a plot for world domination that could only work if set up by a Bond villian! Nanobytes controlling peoples minds? WHAT!!!?
I do not reccomend this bullcrap. IT doesn't deserve anymore words. I am pissed off I wasted money on this turgid peice of ass.
It fails.