TheWolf's Movie Review of The Sixth Sense

Rating of

The Sixth Sense

What a tweest!
TheWolf - wrote on 07/25/07

The only movie by M. Night Sha...Shaa... Shamalamadingdong that I enjoyed the first time I watched. Unfortunately the reason why this one didn't sit well with me as being a 4 star movie is that everyone hyped it up before I got to see it. I was there in the theater at the end of the first week it was running only to have had about 50 people tell me, "Oh my god you have to see the ending of this movie!... Its all about the ending!" So because of this, it didn't take very long to figure out what was going on, and I figured out the end about half way through, so I was just looking for verification through out the movie. Its a good idea..and..What a tweest! But after the first time through it isn't one that I had to watch again right away.

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