Rating of
Nerva - wrote on 01/21/11
I'm on the fence of the 'real' not real situation surrounding this film. The opening scenes during the first 30 mins just look so fake and contrived to me, and also makes little sense. Unless they just happened to be filming everything and anything about their lives at that point why would they think to film a guy having an online chat with a girl he just met and making a 'documentary' about their online relationship that hasn't begun yet if they didn't know where it would end up? But that part aside it is no where near as shocking as the trailers would have you believe. In that aspect its a let down but what is interesting is how they showed the reasons why people do the things they do, how certain people use the internet as an escape from reality and how quickly, and seriously you can get wrapped up in your made up online world. The latter half is the only part remotely interesting but overall nothing too special here and nothing that would particularly shock anyone who is the slightest bit internet savvy. If a friend had told you this story you're reaction would be 'Wow thats pretty screwed up' but certainly not something interesting enough to warrant a movie being made about it, it happens every day, maybe in a smaller degree but any one whose done any type of online dating wouldn't be too surprised at all.