Rating of
Franz Patrick - wrote on 12/23/07
When I first saw the trailers, I thought, "Great. Another Adam Sandler movie but this time, he makes fun of homosexuals! Gee, that's new." So, I initially did not want to see this film in the cinema because I did not want to waste ten bucks. But as movie reviews surfaced online, I read that some people felt that it was offensive. I wanted to know if it really was and what made it so offensive for some people so I decided to watch it with some friends. I found out that they were right: this film had offensive moments... but it also had occasional (or sporadic, as some may argue) funny moments and fun cameos that I (kind of) forgot about Sandler saying "Faggot!" in a really fucked up way (multiple times) and the way he (or his character) made fun of people on the heavy side. There's dark comedy... and there's this. There's a difference. I happen to love dark comedies but mean-spirited, fucked up humour is not my thing. This is not an enjoyable film like "Spanglish" or "Click" so I suggest you stay away and catch it on DVD instead. It is not worth your ten dollars.