Rating of
Tight, Intense Film
randwood12 - wrote on 06/14/08
In the face of enormous hype, Cloverfield is an experience, and one of the most intense films I have ever seen. Matt Reeves keeps the action going during a slim 84 minutes, the special effects are top notch, and the monster is quite frightening. Many have complained about the first person camera angle and the lack of a true ending, but this is all part of making the film as realistic as possible, as if this could happen to anyone. The film is interesting in that it is a monster film which is not overly concerned with the monster: the viewer is only treated to a few quick shots of the creature (as one would expect from watching J.J. Abrams' "Lost"). Instead, the film is an exploration of how the characters react to an unexpected situation, how their true character is revealed through their actions. Overall, Cloverfield is innovative and intense, sure to leave the viewer with a knot in his stomach which won't go away for some time after.