Rating of
Darkest just before light
Jr Movie Lover - wrote on 07/22/10
I was utterly shocked at how good the 1st movie since Batman and Robin actually was. The first attempt at Batman on the big screen was in my opinion utter fail. To follow up such a good movie with an even better one is almost unheard of in today's film society. Even the Two Towers from the Epic Lord of the Rings Trilogy was better then then its successor. Let me start off by saying the first brilliant move that game with this movie was the idea of basing it off a graphic novel and not a comic book series. It adds to the maturity of the movie and gives a much more realistic feel to the audience.
The acting was masterful for that of a superhero movie. Heath Ledger has one of the best performances as a villian in Film that I have ever seen. It is so bittersweet to watch him in his element for one last time. The knowledge that he went out with an epic bang makes it sweet but when you realize it is his last role it becomes bitter. Christian Bale was not stellar but was respectable in his role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman are good as is the norm in their portrayals of Alfred and Lucius Fox. Gary Oldman also has a note worthy performance as Commissioner Gordon. Finally to top off the acting Aaron Eckhart and Maggie Gyllenhaal are above average in their roles as Harvey Dent and the New Rachel Dawes.
The Effects in this movie are eye popping. The flipping over of the 18 wheeler, The blowing up of the hospital, the robbing of the bank, the explosions of the factories holding Dent and Rachel, and even the burnt up face of Dent are all done very well. The Plot never slows down or strays off course and keeps you on the edge of your seat for the whole duration of the film. Some other notably cool sequences include the prison break, the prison chase, the abduction of the Asian number's man from his corporation, and the final apprehension of the Joker. The fact that it ends with Batman on the run builds up the anticipation for the 3rd and final movie in Christopher Nolan's phenomenally done new Batman Franchise. I give it a 4/4 Go Rent it please.