Rating of
Dated in ways, but some plot points work
Ichabod Crane - wrote on 09/20/09
An okay film about old people finding youth again by meeting aliens. It does work with he old people and their dealing with the youthfulness they have acquired. Three of the four stories involving then each work very well and effectively especially the one who wishes to stay old. The one does not work involves Don Ameche which lacks the screentime to be interesting. The story involving a younger man and the aliens does not work at all though. The aliens own story is interesting enough but not fully developed beyond that their immortal. There are two things dated about it the special effects which actually work well most of the time but when they interact directly with humans they do not look as good. The other problem is when there is a bad 80's musical montage scene that is completely unnecessary and has a terrible song to go with it.
Oscar Win- Don Ameche best supporting actor 1/5- He is not bad but there is merely nothing that he does at all. He is almost a backround character with how little he has to do. There certainly is nothing where he is interesting to watch or think his performance was great. He clearly got a lifetime achievement award for it. All the other old men in the movie and Brian Dennehy give better performances than he is allowed to do. No he is not bad but his performance just is nothing in terms of the film.