Daniel Corleone's Movie Review of Once Upon a Crime...

Rating of

Once Upon a Crime...

Once Upon a Crime review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/17/11

A star studded cast of John Candy, James Belushi, Cybill Shepard and Sean Young. A reformed gambler Augie Morosco (John Candy) goes back to gambling while Neil Schwary (James Belushi) ones to team up with him. Julian Peters (Richard Lewis) and Phoebe (Sean Young) plans of returning the lost dog with a reward. The owner dies and the figures becomes suspects. Interesting from the beginning but just falters towards the middle with a few dragging moments. Levy even makes a cameo as the cage cashier, had some wonderful camera work and cut scenes, but failed in the storytelling and humor factor. Over the top acting from Belushi, unmemorable characters from Shepard, very light plot and non-existent soundtrack and witty screenplay just makes Once Upon a Crime a film that can be passed.

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