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Breakfast at Tiffany's review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 05/01/13
A story that revolves around Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn), Paul Varjak (George Peppard) and I.Y. Yunioshi (Mickey Rooney). Rooney typically miscast for an irate Asian neighbor. Soundtrack was apt which in effect becomes eternal for a film. Hepburn's portrayal as a trickster was solid. Screenplay was decent which provided sufficient drama and laughs. Some note worthy quotes: "I'm like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other." and "I'd marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money?" Another memorable aspect was the wardrobe. Overall, Breakfast at Tiffany's is considered by many as a classic for many reasons, Audrey Hepburn's stunning looks and acting is suffice.