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Redemption review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 07/29/13
This flick felt like an action drama mixed with superhero elements since he was always being referred to as an avenging angel. Joseph 'Joey' Smith is a soldier scarred from the horrors of warfare. He encounters a kindhearted nun named sister Cristina (Agata Buzek). On the positives: Obviously one of Statham’s best films in terms of acting. He really shows some emotion and empathy to a murdered girl. Screenplay oftentimes earnest with lines: "Start to do the right thing." and "If you want to be a good man be a good man." from Cristina. Locations and time-frames were wonderful and utilized well. Action sequences were mostly one sided but authentic and hard hitting. On the downside, it was baffling how a nun easily falls for a gangster; the sickness of Joey was not given an appropriate detailed background, disappointing ending and the very slow start. Direction was somewhat confusion as the backgrounds of Joey and Cristina were shown at a later stage. Themes of having a jaded past, crime, revenge and obviously redemption were presented. Redemption may have some logical flaws with the ideas, it was pleasing to see Statham do something serious and a movie loaded with messages.