Michelle's Movie Rating History

Movie Title Theirs Your Rating Overall Add
Moonrise Kingdom 2.0/4 3.2/4
Zero Dark Thirty 2.5/4 3.1/4
Argo 2.5/4 3.1/4
Django Unchained 3.5/4 3.3/4
The Dark Knight Rises 3.0/4 3.2/4
Mama (2013) 2.0/4 2.6/4
Do the Right Thing 4.0/4 3.1/4
Saw 4.0/4 2.9/4
Ghosted (2009) 3.5/4 2.4/4
Mother and Child 3.5/4 2.7/4
Magic Mike 3.0/4 2.6/4
Would You Rather 3.0/4 2.5/4
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