SallyB's Movie Rating History

Movie Title Theirs Your Rating Overall Add
Soylent Green 4.0/4 2.8/4
Death Wish (1974) 4.0/4 2.9/4
Airport 1975 4.0/4 2.6/4
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore 3.0/4 2.9/4
Oh, God! 3.0/4 2.6/4
Roots (1977) 4.0/4 3.2/4
cage aux folles, La 3.0/4 2.8/4
Star Trek: The Motion Picture 4.0/4 2.5/4
Private Benjamin 3.0/4 2.6/4
Nine to Five 3.0/4 2.8/4
Diner 3.0/4 2.9/4
Good Morning Vietnam 3.0/4 2.9/4
Man on Fire (1987) 3.0/4 2.8/4
Broadcast News 3.0/4 2.9/4
The First Wives Club 3.0/4 2.6/4
The Birdcage 3.0/4 2.7/4
The Full Monty 3.0/4 2.8/4
Wag the Dog 3.0/4 2.8/4
Analyze This 3.0/4 2.6/4
The Hurricane (1999) 3.0/4 2.9/4
Ali 4.0/4 2.5/4
Training Day 3.5/4 3.0/4
Analyze That 3.0/4 2.4/4
Amy's Orgasm 4.0/4 2.6/4
Antwone Fisher 4.0/4 2.7/4
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