Spider Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Directors: Cronenberg

List created by Unknown

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Fly 4/4
2. A History of Violence 4/4
3. Videodrome 4/4
4. Eastern Promises 3.5/4
5. The Brood 3/4

Psychological films

List created by Tï

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Stay 4/4
2. Donnie Darko 4/4
3. Being John Malkovich 3/4
4. Spider 2.5/4
5. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me 4/4

Top Movie List

List created by Ginger

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Danny the Dog ( Unleashed ) 4/4
2. Constantine 3/4
3. Dot the I 3/4
4. Hostage 2.5/4
5. The War of the Worlds 2/4


List created by Rich

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Kids 3.5/4
2. Mysterious Skin 3.5/4
3. Bug 3.5/4
4. Splice 3/4
5. The Dreamers 3.5/4

Mystery wish list 1

List created by cwchucky

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Rear Window N/A
2. Vertigo N/A
3. The Usual Suspects N/A
4. Psycho N/A
5. Inception N/A

My Wish List

List created by aphid

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Mysterious Skin N/A
2. Eastern Promises N/A
3. Brick N/A
4. Dogville N/A
5. Manhattan Murder Mystery N/A
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