Pontypool Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Movies of 2009

List created by Stoney McStonerson

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Inglourious Basterds 4/4
2. Up 3/4
3. Avatar 3.5/4
4. Star Trek 3/4
5. The Hangover 3.5/4

Movies of 2009

List created by skater4159

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. 12 Rounds 3/4
2. 2081 3/4
3. Advise & Dissent 2/4
4. Feast III: The Happy Finish 3/4
5. Cell 211 ( Celda 211 ) 3/4

Top Movie List

List created by kscribble

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption 4/4
2. Fight Club 4/4
3. The Dark Knight 2.5/4
4. Forrest Gump 3/4
5. The Matrix 2/4


List created by PsychoFaerie

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. 28 Days Later N/A
2. Night of the Living Dead N/A
3. Dawn of the Dead N/A
4. Shaun of the Dead N/A
5. Evil Dead 2 N/A


List created by Randall

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Where the Wild Things Are 4/4
2. Still Walking ( Aruitemo aruitemo ) 4/4
3. Gomorrah ( Gomorra ) 4/4
4. Goodbye Solo 4/4
5. Moon 4/4


List created by Randall

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Wall-E 4/4
2. The Dark Knight 4/4
3. Shotgun Stories 4/4
4. In Bruges 4/4
5. Rachel Getting Married 4/4
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