FilmCrave Points
Activity | Points |
Total Ratings | 978 |
Total Reviews | 19 |
Total Lists | 46 |
Total Plots | 6 |
Total Points | 1,495 |
OracleElizabeth's Information
Ranking Status: Producer
Name: Elizabeth
Gender: Female
Current Area: NY
Home Town: NY
Employer: Public Library
Position: Clerk - Processing books for the children's section of a public library.
About Me: After watching an enormous amount of really bad films who knows if my judgement can even be considered good by this point?
Interests: Movies, Books, Video Games
Movie Profile
Guilty Pleasure: B List horror Films
Favorite Genre: Horror
Least Favorite Genre: Romance
Favorite Actors: Morgan Freeman, Mickey Rourke, Quentin Tarantino, Toshirô Mifune
Least Favorite Actors: Beyoncé Knowles, Woody Allen, Martin Lawrence, Ashton Kutcher
Favorite Director: Akira Kurosawa
Least Favorite Director: Uwe Boll
Movie Quotes: “My mommy always said there were no monsters - no real ones - but there are.” - Aliens (1986)
“No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.” - Hellraiser (1987)
“Every town has an Elm Street.” - Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
Latest Movie Review
Rating of
A Five Nights at Freddy's homage, gory and fun to watch with a group. Nicolas Cage manages to say not a word and still have a presence. Representing the gamer character taking on each boss as the silent protagonist stuck with npc's who just can't quite get over his goal of finishing the whole night instead of getting out and saving himself. Everything was a spot on til the sex scene between two of the 'teen' stereotype characters. While the sex scene is a horror trope, it isn't a Fnaf trope and felt way, waaay too long and forced before we could get back to the beatdowns. Spent the whole move eating popcorn, laughing and cracking dumb jokes with friends.
Recent Rating History
Movie Title | Rating | Overall | Add |
Jurassic Park | 4.0/4 | 3.2/4 | |
Black Christmas aka Silent Night, Evil Night (1974) | 2.0/4 | 2.9/4 | |
Escape Room (2019) | 3.5/4 | 2.3/4 | |
Willy's Wonderland | 3.0/4 | 1.9/4 | |
The Hateful Eight | 3.0/4 | 3.1/4 |
Top Movie List
# | Movie Title | Rating | Overall | Add |
1. | Fight Club | 3.0/4 | 3.3/4 | |
2. | Hellraiser | 3.5/4 | 2.8/4 | |
3. | Ichi the Killer ( Koroshiya 1 ) | 3.5/4 | 2.8/4 | |
4. | Kill Bill: Volume 1 | 4.0/4 | 3.0/4 | |
5. | Jurassic Park | 4.0/4 | 3.2/4 |
Top Horror
# | Movie Title | Rating | Overall | Add |
1. | Army of Darkness | 3.0/4 | 3.0/4 | |
2. | As the Gods Will ( Kamisama no iu tôri ) | 3.5/4 | 3.3/4 | |
3. | The Birds | 3.0/4 | 3.1/4 | |
4. | The Blair Witch Project | 2.5/4 | 2.3/4 | |
5. | The Cabin in the Woods | 3.5/4 | 2.9/4 |
Recent Comments
Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/09/12 at 02:35 PM CT
One-Eyed Monster Review comment
That's why I love Neflix - for every decent horror film I've seen (Grave Encounters comes to mind), there are probably eight I should have just up and skipped, but I continue to watch them anyway. Ah, at least I'll know I'll never be bored, just disappointed.
OracleElizabeth - wrote on 06/20/12 at 11:12 AM CT
Godzilla comment
Godzilla, in release year order.
OracleElizabeth - wrote on 06/08/12 at 12:37 PM CT
Worst Thriller List comment
I find the acting and the make-up great but I feel that any movie that uses sex as a crutch makes it less so than other films of the same topic. But I haven't finished adding films to my account so it may get pushed off this list. God knows I watch horrid terrible things. Not saying that sex and romance doesn't have a place in horror films. Just too many use it as some sort of thing to cross off a stereotypical check list.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/06/12 at 05:14 PM CT
Worst Thriller List comment
I mostly agree with you except on The Howling - it might not be a classic thriller, but compared to other werewolf movies, it's decent (the sequels, however, are all truly terrible).
OracleElizabeth - wrote on 05/17/12 at 10:10 AM CT
Movies I Want To See List comment
Seems like for everyone one I take off, I put three on. I'm also quite sure that 98% of these films are so bad you would not give them to Uwe Boll to watch. I'm sure some where on this list there is a Uwe Boll film, or there was one at one point.
Chris Kavan - wrote on 05/15/12 at 03:41 PM CT
Movies I Want To See List comment
I love that you have random horror films mixed in with some true classics (The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Saving Private Ryan, 12 Angry Men). I myself find that random horror movies aren't all that bad, especially when I'm bored late at night and Netflix (whose streaming option doesn't have the best selection anyway) is just begging me to look up yet another zombie movie that will probably be terrible. Your list runs the gamut from classic to b-grade awesome to z-grade terrible - but I'll let …