Grindhouse Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Top Action List

List created by starchild3377

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Professional, The ( Léon ) N/A
2. Sin City N/A
3. Grindhouse N/A

Top Movie List

List created by Chinkecheese

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption N/A
2. The Godfather N/A
3. Fight Club N/A
4. Pulp Fiction N/A
5. Raiders of the Lost Ark N/A

Top Movie List

List created by Tino

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Pulp Fiction 4/4
2. The Godfather 4/4
3. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 4/4
4. Thank You for Smoking 4/4
5. Sanjuro N/A

Top 10 of 2007

List created by badmood18

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. There Will Be Blood 4/4
2. Zodiac 4/4
3. The Transformers 4/4
4. Death Sentence 3.5/4
5. No Country for Old Men 3.5/4

Top Films of 2007

List created by Tino

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. No Country for Old Men 4/4
2. Michael Clayton N/A
3. Juno 3.5/4
4. Into the Wild N/A
5. American Gangster N/A
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