Sanjuro Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 810

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 58

Theatrical Release Date: 01/01/1962

Language: Japanese

Genre: Action, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Akira Kurosawa

Actors: Toshirô Mifune, Tatsuya Nakadai, Keiju Kobayashi, Yuzo Kayama, Reiko Dan, Akihiko Hirata

Plot: The wandering samurai once again finds his services are needed, this time helping a group of naive samurai fight the corruption in their town.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 08/02/2011

This is a companion piece to Kurosawa's Yojimbo, starring a similar rohan and with a similar plot. Although I prefer the deeper seriousness of Yojimbo, the light comedy of this film makes it one of Kurosawa's most accessible. Mifune's nonchalant samurai is a memorable character, as is the climactic, but brief, final duel.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/25/2007

Even more lighthearted than its companion piece, Yojimbo, Sanjuro is none-the-less a great action/comedy from Akira Kurosawa. Mifune once again portrays the scruffy wandering samurai.

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Sanjuro review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 06/08/2013

An actionpacked slightly funny film that revolves around samurai's, ronin (Mifune) and the Superintendent's henchman Muroto Hanbei (Tatsuya Nakadai). The ronin rescues two women and states that he is Tsubaki Sanjūrō. The screenplay never falters coming from the director with lines: "People aren't what they seem. Be careful." "Killing people is a bad habit." "Desperate men will try anything." "Stupidity is dangerous." "People change." "One sided judgement isn't fair." Soundtrack and cinematography were brilliant. A few qualms this reviewer has were the lack of character development with the 9 samurai's and a clear-cut antagonist. Mifune never disappoints since he has worked with the legendary directo countless times. The conclusion was perfect and provocative which …

Movie God

Rating of

"Sanjuro" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/28/2012

Toshiro Mifune's wayward samurai returns to help out in the kidnapping of a statesman by a corrupt official intent on discrediting him to cover up his own crimes. Sanjuro was made hot on the heels of Yojimbo, and is obvious proof that a studio trying to cash in on the commercial success of a film by throwing together a rehash is far from a new phenomenon. The fact is, Sanjuro just copies the formula of the original with a bit more crowd pleasing action and humour and a bit less intelligence and characterisation. But let's face it, the combination of Akira Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune was never going to disappoint no matter what the reasons for their collaboration and Sanjuro is yet another beautifully crafted and hugely entertaining samurai movie. It's mildly comic approach does not …

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