Quick Movie Reviews
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Indyfreak - wrote on 02/16/2018
One of the most remarkably silly and unpretentious summer movies of its time, SNAKES ON A PLANE delivers exactly what it promises. SLJ and a cast of familiar 'that guy or girl' character actors play the ridiculously cheesy material with tongue planted firmly in cheek. The kill scenes and deaths are creatively staged. It may be just as stupid as any other more expensive blockbuster. But compared with a lot of them back then and even now, it's a lot of fun.
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Unknown - wrote on 11/28/2011
Purposely non-serious movie that comes out being a good 'bad' flick. Entertaining on it's own silly level.
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 03/17/2011
There is a certain insane B-movie silliness to this film (a movie that is virtually a viral marketing device as a movie) that is entertaining and fun. Samuel L. basically spoofs all other Samuel L. characters and the action is violent and ridiculous. Guilty pleasure, absolutely.
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/03/2009
Falls into the so-bad-it's-good category. Samuel L. Jackson makes the movie, even if the story is ludicrous and the effects sub-par. Does not live up to any of the hype, but still was fun to watch for me.
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Bashtastic! - wrote on 08/31/2007
This one is so ridiculous that it KEEPS you entertained.
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Alex - wrote on 07/21/2007
So wait. Was this supposed to be cheese? I couldn't tell. I like cheese that is well done (Grindhouse) not terribly written (Snakes on a Plane). There were about 2 good lines in the entire film (the obvious one) but the rest was terrible.