Flight Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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Excellent movie !

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 05/15/2018

Top class. An excellent film about the struggle of a person who is fighting against his addiction. The plane crash is actually not the main topic of the film. It’s only there to lure people to the cinema because it looks so spectacular. The SE department has also been able to flex its muscles. Is this the only thing that fascinates you ? Well I’m sure you’ll the rest is just too soft.

But the strength of this film is the other main topic with the admirable performance of Denzel Washington who realistically represents the archetype of an alcoholic. For people who experienced the same thing and found themselves in such a phase, there are many points that are so characteristic and recognizable. Others will call it a fake alcoholic or that it’s just a pathetic hassle about …


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cinegeek.de - wrote on 04/12/2016

Flight beginnt mit einer der ungeheuerlichsten Flugzeug-Szenen, die ich je sah: Das Flugzeug wird durch ein Unwetter gesteuert - kopfüber! Nach diesem Auftakt folgt eine der mutigsten und qualvollsten Darbietungen Denzel Washingtons. Der Film entwickelt sich zu einer erschütternden Charakter-Studie, wobei unsere Sympathie bis zum Abspann Washingtons Figur gilt! Washington spielt Whip Whitaker, einen Piloten, der im Lauf der vergangenen Jahre eine Toleranz gegenüber Alkohol und Kokain aufgebaut hat, die für die meisten von uns tödlich enden würde. Wir erleben ihn nach einer durchzechten Nacht mit einer Flugbegleiterin Katerina und wie er sich für die Arbeit präpariert. Zwei Linien Koks und er ist bereit zu fliegen. Die Zweifel seines Co-Piloten werden einfach von den dunklen …

Movie God

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"Flight" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/09/2015

A pilot whose skill saved the lives of most of his passengers when his airliner is forced into a crash landing finds himself facing prison if his alcoholism is discovered by a board of inquiry. Another strong performance by Denzel bolsters a character driven drama about a decent man coping with the self destruction and self deceit of addiction. Some admirably unsentimental direction by Robert Zemeckis and a restrained performance from its star prevents the story from descending into domestic soap opera and the crash sequence is absolutely gripping; in fact this compromises the film somewhat as everything that follows seems like a comparative anticlimax. Although perhaps a little too long and a little too predictable, Flight is still a well acted, solid and worthy story with enough …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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Flight review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 02/19/2013

"For the first time of my life, I'm free." An alcoholic pilot Airline captain William "Whip" Whitaker (Denzel Washington) does drugs and drinks before every flight. The plane SouthJet flight 227 malfunctions and yet Whip was able to maneuver it to help the passengers survive. old friend Charlie Anderson (Bruce Greenwood) and attorney Hugh Lang (Don Cheadle) help the case of Whip. Had a realistic plane crash which heightens the tension, unfortunately the believability factor is lessened since the deaths were only minimal whereas the premise which the director originally emulated, 2000 Alaska Airlines crash, none survived. Having a pilot with substance abuse issues on a plane and easily quitting drugs but not alcohol was baffling. How was Harling Mays (John Goodman) contacted when …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

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A Sobering Effect

Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/09/2013

Robert Zemeckis is known for bringing more light-hearted fare to the box office: Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Forrest Gump and The Polar Express are all on his resume. But with Flight, he proves that he can handle some heavy drama just as deftly as he can comedy.

Denzel Washington delivers a knockout performance as Captain Whip Whitaker, and from the opening scene, we know he isn't a choir boy: drinking, drugs, lack of sleep - not exactly what one looks for in a pilot. An in flight nap is on order but after flying out of a storm early, the plane suddenly begins a steep dive and he has to make snap decisions, including an incredibly daring inversion, to save the flight.

Make no mistake, the plane crash has to be one of the most intense scenes I have seen at the …


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Definate Oscar material!

Lee - wrote on 01/05/2013

Upon originally seeing the trailer for this (Aside from getting excited as i always do when one of my top 5 fave actors of all time star in something) I thought it would be a total up in the air type film revolving around an epic plane crash. Sure their is an epic crash (Due to the amazing job done by the film crew it looked totally real) however this story revolves about pilot William "Whip" Whitaker (Washington) a divorced heavy drinking/partying who has with that life style surprise surprise a drinking problem. This movie tends more to be about addiction and how it is more a disease then a problem. Kudos to John Goodman who i thought was simply brilliant as Whip's drug dealer Harling (Laughed at how he presented himself you have to see the movie yourself to see why) Aside from that …


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Review: Flight

MikePA - wrote on 12/26/2012

Robert Zemeckis' return to live-action after almost a decade is ambitious and competent if not terrifically good. The first 45 minutes of Flight is remarkable - fascinating, engaging, and features a spellbinding plane crash sequence that may be my favorite action sequence of the year. Unfortunately, I lost my grasp in the second and third acts. The rest of the film didn't quite work for me. Zemeckis failed to deliver the powerful punch that the film needed, and emotionally it is unsatisfying. There are also a handful of unneeded scenes that could have easily been cut and left in the editing room. It really made for such a boring and slowly paced film. However, Denzel Washington is terrific as Whip Whitaker. The movie may have been mediocre, but Denzel better find himself a brand new …

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