Noah Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews


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Noah Idea

SIngli6 - wrote on 01/06/2019

What an absolutely diabolical waste of time. The themes Darren Aronofsky wishes to explore here (environmentalism, the morality of the divine mandate, man's nature) are substantial, which makes his utter inability to even begin chewing the massive chunk of biblical text he bit off all the more apparent. The story of Noah does not need to be contorted into a tale of one man's struggle between love of family and love of God. For starters, the story of Abraham and Isaac is literally about that and is in the same bloody book.

The fact everyone in the cast plays this truly epic tale with the emotional investment of a Star Wars prequel character really tells you everything you need to know about the daftness of the screenplay and the production design. I have no idea why the angels are …

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Bizarr - wrote on 03/28/2016

Noah ist ein bizarrer Film. ein moderner Blockbuster: Neben am Computer generierten Monstern, gibt es Massen-Szenen, eine gewaltige Flut und nicht zuletzt die Arche. Aber: Noah ist kein Blockbuster von der Stange, eher ein surrealer Albtraum und eine Parabel über menschliche Gier, basierend auf dem alten Testament. Noch spezificher: Das ist Darren Aronofskys Interpretation der Bibel, denn er hat einige Änderungen vorgenommen. Bedient hat sich Arronofsky nicht nur bei älteren Bibel-Verfilmungen, sondern auch bei anderen Religionen und Mythologien. Aufzuspüren gibt es Elemente aus Kain und Abel oder der Vertreibung aus dem Paradies. Die beeindruckendste Szenen ist herausgerissen aus dem Erzählfluss und zeigt die Entstehung des Universums, der Big Bang Theorie folgend. Fast schon …

Movie God

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Review Noah

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 02/16/2015

“We broke the world - we did this. Man did this. Everything that was beautiful, everything that was good, we shattered. Now, it begins again.”

I really wonder what's so terribly bad about the movie "Noah". Granted, it smells a bit like commercializing the book of all books (And I think this still is the most ingenious elaborated marketing plan ever devised in human history. This marketing plan made sure a book was written that will dominate the list of bestsellers in perpetuity. Probably until the end of the world ...) in compliance with all film adaptations of other literature (some great, some bad). After "The Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", "The Hunger Games", "Divergent" and other similar books susceptible to commercialization, it seems like Hollywood has found a Biblical …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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Noah review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/13/2014

Yes it is ludicrous to think that a biblical passage/story can be made into a Hollywood flick. The picture consists of great casting, intelligent screenplay, cool pacing of the story and a provocative director. Russell Crowe as Noah seems precise since he can ply sympathetic and really vicious roles. Jennifer Connelly here was just extraordinary. Loads of quotable lines, elegant visual effects and cinematography. Aronofsky never seizes to make a point. With this, it is definitely about the goodness abused, family, love, compassion and sacrifices for the greater good. Captivating from start to finish, it may not be for everybody, but if you read between the very cautiously written screenplay despite some of the unrealistic moments in the movie, then one would keep this reference in …

Movie God

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Noah is nothing like you'd think it would be.

Indyfreak - wrote on 08/29/2014

"I am a man created in your image. Why won't you converse with me?"

That is a deeply and painfully humanizing quote of dialogue spoken by the often loathsome villain of this divisive biblical epic. it shows just how thoroughly the script for Noah (2014) tries to probe the premise of a divinely sanctioned deluge like the Great Flood from Genesis from a clearly human perspective and still pay respect to its Judeo-Christian background.
Those interested should not make the mistake of assuming that this cinematic depiction of Noah will be the same as your parents' Noah or their parent's Noah. It reminds the audience that regardless of the characters' background in the movie, they're all human and prone to the same weaknesses but sharing the same strengths to overcome them as we all do. …


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Wait for the tide to go out

Cavernstones - wrote on 07/07/2014

Setting aside belief in any religion and whether the movie's script had anything that adhered to those beleifs, I expected it "should" be epic. It clearly was not. So many distractions that take you out of the story, like out dated CGI, clothing and hair styles which seemed out of place, character reactions that occasionally seem to come from nowhere, and nearly an emotionless performance from Russell Crowe. Even the "great flood" scene was underwhelming. Do not expect to see a deeply moving, soul searching event here, nor should you put this in a class of the disaster films as the tension is severely lacking.
Small bright spots include a classy and wonderful turn of Methuselah (Anthony Hopkins) and though I believe the part was over-written, Emma Watson carried her part well.


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Noah is no titanic - unrealistic sillyness

smeagol - wrote on 07/07/2014

Well whether you believe in the story of noah or not it doesn't really matter as this movie was just silly.
if your going to do a movie on noah it needs to be dark real and dirty looking you need to feel the power of what is to be and the fear and everything needs to powerful. this movie had none of those elements.
instead it seemed low budget of just a family and a a load of extras later on. and some cheesy use of cgi.
there was no realness to it at all. the watchers made of stone were like transformers and just plain silly
the constant corny kid scenes where annoying and overally done . the dialogue was childish. you never once believed these people or that they were from that time. i would expect people to be a lot harder back then even the kids. not drippy. just so much is wrong …

Movie God

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Need an Ark? I 'Noah' Guy

Unknown - wrote on 04/14/2014

'Noah' is the latest film associated with Christianity to be released this year and it's the only one to cause controversy. I believe it is unwarranted. Some religious folk have cried fowl at the content. But they are forgetting the fact that this was never meant to be a literal interpretation. Their blind dislike has made them overlook the many areas where the film did succeed. This is a much more dramatically fleshed out story than the one it is based off. Firstly, the characters are explored at greater length. They are given much emotional depth that humanizes them and makes them relatable. Their moral dilemmas are all the more involving because of this. Secondly, the themes in the original story are represented and expanded upon. I loved how it brought about constant …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

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This Noah Is Epic, Not Traditional

Chris Kavan - wrote on 04/03/2014

Darren Aronofsky, much like Wes Anderson, is a director who has his own style - and if also not one to compromise his vision. Noah has faced some backlash for straying from the Biblical story, but even amidst the criticism and studio meddling, Aronofsky never backed down and actually got a bit mad when it was suggested changes be made to appeal to a more Christian audience. But in a big way, I'm glad the film stuck to the original vision - it's not going to be an all-around crowd pleaser, but the visual are terrific and the story is still powerful.

All of Aronofsky's previous films have been dark - from Requiem for a Dream to The Wrestler to Black Swan - things are never bright and or cheerful. Noah is no exception. We open with some brief history before watching Noah's father get …


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Review: Noah

MikePA - wrote on 03/30/2014

Director Darren Aronofsky's undeniably controversial and polarizing yet richly thematic and grandiose telling of Noah's Ark has its wondrous moments presented in a fairly good and thoroughly watchable first two acts, but is soon burnt to dust in its third act once things get tedious and sluggish and ultimately fail to provide an ounce of emotional resonance. That matter didn't make me dislike the overall film, but it left me a little bit cold and underwhelmed since everything beforehand was pretty darn good. Obviously, Aronofsky added some extra story elements to the material, which thankfully wasn't a bad thing. It's effectively incorporated into what we already know of the story, giving clarity to the film's presentation of its themes. Visually, the film mostly succeeds - the ark and …

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