Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Odd Joke of a Movie
Unknown - wrote on 05/26/2016
Initially, I wasn't completely on board with the story. A majority of the first half plays like a typical drama about a middle-aged man loosing some sense of purpose, while becoming romantically involved with a younger woman - something I'd expect from Woody Allen's recent output. It's not played completely serious. There's a free nature about the progression of character. I was liking the dialogue, but not much else. It's not until the second half unfolds that this almost turns into a different film. A new plot takes shape that sees our character find a very unconventional means towards happiness. The idea is amusing because of the juxtaposition of his newfound positivity being linked with something so negative. Watching him fail to handle the secrecy of his acts makes his …
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cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/07/2016
Irrational Man ist ungefähr der 500. Woody Allen Film. Obwohl in diesem Jahr die Bezeichnung "Film" etwas übertrieben scheint. Angemessener wäre es, Irrational Man als Entwurf für eine spätere Vollendung zu bezeichnen. Joaquin Phoenix spielt einen Philosophie Professor mit der Obsession zum Mord. Emma Stone ist die Studentin, für die er romantische Vorstellungen hegt. Allen selbst zerstört dieses Mal die Ansätze guten Schauspiels durch sein unorganisiertes Drehbuch. Man spürt die Unsicherheit des Autoren, denn die Hauptfiguren werden in ihrem Handeln von Voice-Overs kommentiert. Wozu aber das erklären, was wir sehen? Immerhin könnte so auch ein Blinder Allens Narration folgen. Andere Dinge sind dagegen schwer zu begreifen: Dass Phoenix Professor Abe eine Schwäche für …
Rating of
Irrational Man
lastonetoleave - wrote on 08/27/2015
Irrational Man (2015) R A philosophy professor (Joaquin Phoenix) finds a new meaning to life when he gets involved with a student (Emma Stone). This is not a comedy but more like Woody Allen’s drama and mystery films. The film wastes the talents of Emma Stone (Woody doesn’t seem to know how to write dialog for her), and Joaquin Phoenix looks lost at times in his role. The film starts to pick up in the 2nd half of the film, but it doesn’t save it from being only mildly interesting. There was so much potential with this film but instead of utilizing the very strong cast, the film feels hollow and underdeveloped. It’s if Allen had an idea for the movie but only wrote one draft, making its story-line and its characters feeble. My Rating: Bargain Matinee - See more at: …