Movie Information
Overall Rank: 7070
Average Rating: 2.5/4
# of Ratings: 153
Theatrical Release Date: 03/09/1984
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Ron Howard
Actors: Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah, Eugene Levy, John Candy, Dody Goodman, Shecky Greene
Plot: A modern version of The Little Mermaid. A mermaid (Daryl Hannah) falls in love with a human (Tom Hanks) and hides the fact that she is a mermaid from him.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Yojimbo - wrote on 11/05/2012
Efficiently likeable romantic fantasy with a decent cast and John Candy to provide the laughs.
Rating of
donkeyknight - wrote on 05/03/2011
After a lot of discussion, my wife and I figured out why this movie is not that great. It treats the romance more as an attraction than a relationship. With all the great romantic comedies, you feel the two leads are a match, that they compliment eachother. That's not the case with these two, you just like the characters separately, but the only reason they belong together is because we're told they do.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 05/04/2016
Zu Beginn der 80er war Disney fast pleite. Gefangen in der eigenen Tradition, kamen keine Innovationen mehr aus dem Konzern. Splash, die erste Komödie der Tochter-Firma Touchstone, sollte Abhilfe schaffen. Ein Disney Film für Erwachsene, in dem man sogar die nackte Daryl Hannah als Meerjungfrau sieht. Irgendwo, tief im Herzen von Splash steckt villeicht auch ein viel witzigerer Film als der, den wir sehen. Sicher, manchmal musste ich lachen oder war zumindest amüsiert - im Ganzen aber ist Splash viel zu konventionell geworden. Vielleicht dachten die Macher (immerhin mit Ron Howard als Regisseur!), dass die Idee so grossartig ist, dass sie schon ausreichen würde (Ein Durchschnittstyp aus Manhattan verliebt sich in eine Meerjungfrau). Der Film erzählt die Geschichte eines Mannes, …
Rating of
Tia Maria - wrote on 06/28/2008
This movie is about a guy who sees the most beautiful women, for half a second, and then she was gone. He soon finds her, and even though she doesn't speak english, they have a wild love affair. But after she comes back to his apartment after being lost in the city, she suddenly knows how to speak englihs, from watching TV for a couple of hours. But thats not the only amazing thing - she's a mermaid! And after lots of fighting, and confusion, predictably, they live happily ever after.
This is SUCH a hopless and predictable movie! I hate Tom Hanks - he is the worst actor ever, and you can't relate to the characters in this movie at all, you don't find out anything about them. Seriously, don't watch this movie. Stay away - stay far, far away.
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