Stay Alive Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 19351

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 53

Theatrical Release Date: 03/24/2006

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Thriller

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: William Brent Bell

Actors: Jon Foster, Samaire Armstrong, Frankie Muniz, Jimmi Simpson, Milo Ventimiglia, Sophia Bush

Plot: Teenagers find out that a strange video game is more real than they ever imagined when their friends start dying around them.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

The Movie Man - wrote on 05/23/2009

Stay Alive is a surprisingly better than expected movie that entertains just barely enough. This movie is not well written or directed, but it is actually cleaver and quite fun. The cast of young talents are good considering the lazy dialogue they have to say, Frankie Munez is the only bad one in the bunch, he's simply awful. The film is not gory or violent(per se), it's just a shockingly decent amount of fun, with good "video game" graphics.

Rating of

goodfellamike - wrote on 10/29/2008

Clever concept quickly resorts to cheap thrills, annoying characters and a script that makes up the rules as it goes; notice how quickly the cop dies in the video game, why did the countess strip naked before attempting to kill the girl? Why does it say "game over" for a character who clearly is not killed. At the very least, it doesn't take the characters too long to figure out what's going on. Final Grade: C

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/03/2008

What if, when you die in a video game you also die for real? Seems like a decent premise, right? This movie squanders it's little bit of potential by just being plain awful in every aspect. It should be called 'Stay Away', cause that's what I recommend you do to this garbage.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

It was okay

lpd381 - wrote on 12/31/2010

Stay Alive did a better job then I thought it would but it left a whole lot of questions. One being why in the heck did an evil ghost woman come back in the form of a video game to kill people? This is never even addressed apparently she just looked down from her tower and said "well all the young kids are into the videa games I guess thats as good a way to kill them as any" The other thing is at the end how the game imitates real life. I just can't believe malcom in the middle drops a crow bar in the game and it appears in life. Another problem with the movie is who the hell named these people? With great names like Hutch, October, Swink and Phineus. This group of friends had the worst parents ever. Another issue was the romance between Abby and Hutch. It seemed very forced and really …

Movie Star

Rating of

Stay Alive

jen1302 - wrote on 12/03/2007

I recently seen this movie on Tv the plot is set around a misfit group of teens, Who recieve a game linked to the mysterious death of their old friend.

Within the world of an video game based on the true story of an ancient noblewoman known as the Elizabeth Bathory (Blood Countess) .

With plenty of visual FX well worth a watch.

Some of the story is fact such as Elizabeth Bathory was a Hungarian countess from the renowned Báthory family. The family is remembered for defending against the Ottoman Turks. She is known as the most infamous serial killer in Hungarian and Slovak history and is remembered as the Bloody Lady of Čachtice, after the castle near Trenčín, in Royal Hungary, in present-day Slovakia, where she spent most of her life.

After her husband's death, …

Rating of

Can I Use Cheat Codes?

Matthew Sanchelli - wrote on 10/17/2007

Okay. I haven't done a lot of research to know if this was an original idea or if it was taken off of an idea from another movie overseas (like the trend of most of American productions these days)...however; I thought the idea of this movie was a great idea. Something that I don't recall seeing before (if this general premise has been done before please let me know).

Basics. You play a certain video game. You survive until your character dies. Then you will inevitably die in the same fashion as your character.

I dig it.

Execution. I think they did it. Sure, there's almost always room for improvement in almost anything these days; but I think they made a decent and entertaining movie. Overly scary? No. But it was a great story and I really enjoyed the …

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