The Stunt Man Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6319

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 22

Theatrical Release Date: 06/27/1980

Language: English

Genre: Action, Comedy

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Richard Rush

Actors: Peter O'Toole, Steve Railsback, Barbara Hershey, Allen Garfield, Alex Rocco, Sharon Farrell

Plot: A fugitive stumbles on a movie set just when they need a new stunt man, takes the job as a way to hide out, and falls for the leading lady.

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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 08/09/2011

I dont know what it was about The Stunt Man but I could not get into the movie until the last 15 minutes.Maybe its 1 of those movies where I need to watch it more then once to really get it

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