Movie Information
Overall Rank: 762
Average Rating: 3/4
# of Ratings: 96
Theatrical Release Date: 12/03/2004
Language: Korean
Genre: Horror, Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Ji-woon Kim
Actors: Kap-su Kim, Jung-ah Yum, Su-jeong Lim, Seung-bi Lee, Geun-yeong Mun
Plot: Two girls return from a hospital stay to a foreboding house where their cold, distant father, a seemingly unstable step mother and a vengeful ghost make their lives dark and mysterious.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
smokiediebear - wrote on 08/30/2012
Twisted tale of delight. I love the Oriental style of horror making us use our minds more than effects. A masterpiece if I've seen one..
Rating of
☠ kyrstin. ♒ - wrote on 06/16/2011
I feel as though I am missing something with this film. It's loved by so many foreign horror fanatics, or even by people who don't normally watch foreign horror, yet I wasn't all that impressed by it. It felt slow-moving, and I always felt that movies when the main character is actually the one with problems is a cliche...however, the cinematography and the atmosphere in this was beautiful.
Rating of
JT - wrote on 11/05/2009
This is my favourite film, because every time I watch it i notice something new. It's unpredictable, with a great storyline that'll confuse, shock and scare you. The effects and characters are brilliant. An excellent film overall.
Full Movie Reviews
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"A Tale Of Two Sisters" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 08/22/2015
Two sisters return to their home, continuing a feud with their step mother and living in fear of a presence in the house that stalks them at night. Very much in the J horror tradition of The Ring and especially The Grudge, A Tale Of Two Sisters' influences are obvious, but its recipe of psychological horror blended with creepy, supernatural imagery disguises a plot that is a cut above the usual mainstream horror fare. Using skilled misdirection, the story continues to surprise as you are never quite sure if the "ghost" is real or just a delusion, or quite who is the predator and who is the prey. Because of this, the narrative momentum and twist in the tale are much stronger in this film than most modern horror s and the stylish visuals mean it is always a pleasure to look at. Hardly …
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