To Live ( Huozhe ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 738

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 27

Theatrical Release Date: 11/18/1994

Language: Mandarin

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Yimou Zhang

Actors: You Ge, Li Gong, Ben Niu, Deng Fei, Wu Jiang, Tao Guo

Plot: Follows the lives of Fugui and Jiazhen in a tumultuous period in Chinese history. From wealth to poverty the two manage to survive and even raise a family in this deeply personal story. -- Chris Kavan

Full Movie Reviews

Mr. Storm
Mr. Storm
Movie Star

Rating of

My favorite film of all-time

Mr. Storm - wrote on 01/13/2008

It is amazing how as humans we can connect on some sublime, emotional level, regardless of cultural background. I felt myself connect on that level with the characters of this fantastic film, which was directed by auteur Zhang Yimou. Banned in China for its political commentary, this controversial film raises the bar of what the art of moviemaking was meant to be. Yimou has constructed a story that provides the viewer the chance to subconsciously feel the suffering and the joy and the heartache of a couple of peasants from rural China. Quite simply put, this is the greatest film ever made.

The story begins in 1940's China, with our main character, Fugui (Ge You). We are led to believe he is a compulsive gambler. Due to his addictions, he does not seem to notice that his family …

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