Movie Information
Overall Rank: 6998
Average Rating: 2.5/4
# of Ratings: 54
Theatrical Release Date: 09/08/2000
Language: English
Genre: Crime, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Christopher McQuarrie
Actors: Ryan Phillippe, Benicio Del Toro, Juliette Lewis, Taye Diggs, Nicky Katt, Geoffrey Lewis
Quick Movie Reviews
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Bribaba - wrote on 05/03/2011
Anyone can direct movies. At least that's what writer Christopher McQuarrie appears to think. Well, I've got news for you, Chris: they can't, and your dire first attempt shows why. Sub Tarantino, sub Peckinpah, in fact, sub just about everything else. Leaden direction, wooden acting and a story an imbeclile would not believe. It's embarrassing to see James Cann in such drivel - as the star of Peckinpah's Killer Elite, he must know what it takes to make a good film.
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"The Way Of The Gun" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 01/17/2012
A pair of small time crooks decide to gamble all on a big score when they kidnap the pregnant surrogate mother of a mobster's unborn child. Written and directed by the man responsible for the script for The Usual Suspects, Way Of The Gun may not have the clever twist in the tale of his most famous work, but it is still an extremely stylish and well written crime drama stocked with some smart dialogue and sharply directed Peckinpah-esque shoot-outs. The bare bones of the plot are a little workman-like, but the joy of this film is in the detail; the same old stereotypical events are given a slightly different spin all the way along the line making for a blackly comic, cynical crime drama that is painted in varying shades of dark, dark grey. Very much in the tradition of Tarantino, it's …
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