World of Apu , The ( Apur Sansar ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 824

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 35

Theatrical Release Date: 10/04/1960

Language: Bengali

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Satyajit Ray

Actors: Soumitra Chatterjee, Alok Chakravarty, Sharmila Tagore, Dhiresh Majumdar

Plot: Apu is an aimless young man is invited to a wedding by an old college friend. This is a life-altering event, for after arriving and finding the bridegroom to be quite mad, Apu is offered as a substitute. Although not so keen on the idea, he accepts and takes his beautiful bride with him to Calcutta. But the bliss is not to last, as she dies in childbirth and, in a fit of grief, Apu leaves his child, and much of the world, behind. It takes years before he is able to face worldly responsibilities again. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

kustaa - wrote on 08/28/2007

The best of the Apu's trilogy. Only because I'm in the same age of Apu in this one. Apu finally finds out that life carries some responsabilities and that he can achieve goodness not being selfish and thinking about give. Wichs is pretty much how we can be happy. This movie is a masterpiece of visuals and one of the finest piece of cinema ever. Watch it in order if you can!

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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The World of Apu review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 06/19/2013

Highly regarded as one of the greatest movies which influenced Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and several Philip Kaufman films. A film that centers on an unemployed graduate living in a rented room in Calcutta named Apu Roy (Soumitra Chatterjee). Apu meets an old friend Pulu to make a novel and attend his cousins wedding. Aparna (Sharmila Tagore) meets Apu and eventually becomes close. The earnest performance of Soumitra Chatterjee resonates while the direction was seamless. The soundtrack adds to some of the grim sequences. The screenplay obviously one of its strengths with lines: "Many things are not fair." "Things will change." "There's such a thing as father duty." Subliminal messages of selfishness, ambition, responsibility, marriage, death and starting-up were very evident. …

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