Song of the Little Road ( Pather Panchali ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 818

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 35

Theatrical Release Date: 08/26/1955

Language: Bengali

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Satyajit Ray

Actors: Karuna Bannerjee, Kanu Bannerjee, Uma Das Gupta, Subir Bannerjee, Chunibala Devi, Runki Banerjee

Plot: Follows the life of a struggling family in small Bengal village. The father, poet and priest, does not make enough to support them; his sister is constantly stealing guavas from a neighbor's orchard while the mother bickers with her sister - into this world, Apu is born. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Asm Nabil - wrote on 08/08/2017

We'll go see the train when I'm better? 100/100

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 01/22/2012

Using an almost documentary-style approach, Satyajit Ray crafts an emotional piece about everyday Indian life. The film starts with some humorous touches, but, towards the second half, tragedy reveals a more humble and poignant piece about coping with difficult circumstances. The final ten minutes or so are brilliant.

Rating of

kustaa - wrote on 08/28/2007

Powerful film of the master Ray. Part of the neorrealist movement. The "trilogy of life" begins with Apu, living in a very poor India, but sorounded by emotions and feelings that will marke him until the end of his life. One of the best performances given by a child, probably the best ever. And technically a masterpiece that should watch everyone that actually loves cinema.

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