Superman: Doomsday Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6337

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 52

Theatrical Release Date: 09/18/2007

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 11/25/2008

Language: English

Genre: Animation, Action

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Lauren Montgomery, Bruce W. Timm

Actors: Adam Baldwin, Anne Heche, James Marsters, John Di Maggio, Swoosie Kurtz, Ray Wise

Plot: The Death Of Superman! Need We Say More????

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/18/2014

Not what I expected. Superman has his life-ending fight with Doomsday within the first twenty minutes. It's a tough battle, for sure, but it's so short and typical that it left me shrugging the thought of: "THIS is how he dies?" (we all know he really doesn't). The rest is a plot involving Lex Luthor's Superman cloning. It has a few turns. I was entertained by the characters and action. The story is just lackluster.

Rating of

Joshu - wrote on 09/02/2011

this was a thrilling movie that made me hold my breath in the whole one hour fifteen minutes.

Rating of

patjohnson76 - wrote on 02/17/2008

Superman: Doomsday is a short, 75 minute movie that is sort of an abridged version of the death of Superman comic series - including the iconic Doomsday series where Superman died, and the two series that followed that introduced new "Supermen" to Superman's triumphant return from death (thought he didn't really die, but that's another story). For it's short length, it mainly plays out like an extended TV episode. It's fairly entertaining and while it doesn't follow the comics exactly, it plays enough to the original source material to keep fans satisified - though if you're looking for the Justice League to make an appearance, as they do in the written Doomsday, you'll be disappointed.

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Rating of

I'd have used my heat vision a lot more.

Jonzor - wrote on 09/24/2007

For only being 75 minutes, it seemed like a pretty complete movie. It feels longer than that, too... probably because it sort of drags a little bit in the middle. Well... maybe it does. It could be that the action parts are so good that they make normal scenes seem slower. Still great, though.

I doesn't really follow the comics, so any die hards out there be warned. But if you do watch it, please find something else to complain about aside from the fact that it wasn't a panel-by-panel recreation of the comics.

It's also worth pointing out that this isn't exactly a kid's movie. Doomsday kills a fair share of people (and a deer at one point). Most people might glaze over the fact that this actually has a PG-13 rating just because it's a Superman cartoon, but I'd say that it's …

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