Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1823

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 60

Theatrical Release Date: 06/15/1948

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Horror

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Charles Barton

Actors: Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Lon Chaney Jr., Bela Lugosi, Glenn Strange, Lenore Aubert

Plot: Two freight handlers Wilbur Grey and Chick Young (Abbot and Costello) find themselves in deep trouble when Dracula and a weakened Frankenstein escape on route to a house of horrors exhibit. When the Wolfman comes calling to stop Dracula - who is after Wilbur's brain to revitalize his monster - things seem to be going better... until the full moon arrives. -- Chris Kavan

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Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 08/07/2010

If you're going to watch any Abbott and Costello films, watch this one first. It's a good indication of the zany play-on-words and infectious energy the comedy duo display. They made a series of "Abbott and Costello Meets..." films, but this is, by far, the most original and funniest.

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