Movie Information
Overall Rank: 2367
Average Rating: 3/4
# of Ratings: 14
Theatrical Release Date: 12/11/1977
Language: German
Genre: Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Werner Herzog
Actors: Josef Bierbichler, Stefan Güttler, Clemens Scheitz, Sonja Skiba
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Moviehead - wrote on 03/25/2012
Ending is best thing in this movie. Its so beautifully shot i was thinking only herzog can do this, such a simple thing to shot island in the sea, and i have seen a lot of movies with islands but they were never so well shot. However film is sometimes boring but even then if you have enough energy and patience to go with it it delivers stunning atmosphere. If anybody else shot this film it would probably be awful but this way it is occasionally boring but with some great moments and atmosphere.
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 11/24/2011
Another Herzog slow-burn film. It's a unique mystery film with a subdued and atmospheric pacing. Occasionally, the scenes play out as monotonous, but the conclusion is arresting, without needing to be explosive.
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