Children of Paradise ( enfants du paradis, Les ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1340

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 36

Theatrical Release Date: 11/15/1946

Language: French

Genre: Drama, Romance

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Marcel Carné

Actors: Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur, Pierre Renoir, María Casares, Gaston Modot

Plot: Follows the loves in the life of mime Baptiste and Claire Reine - who calls herself Garance - while Garance only has love for Baptiste, she is pursued by three other men. Things are complicated by the simple Nathalie, who also loves Baptiste. Love and love lost - a classic story presented in an imaginative way that deftly blends theater, literature, music and design. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 01/17/2012

In a film that scarcely feels its age, nuanced and believable characters populate a dreamy world of theater and carnival. The film skillfully balances intersecting love triangles that feature a lot of brilliant lines and character moments. The entire film has an other-worldly feel - such that the theater scenes and the "real life" scenes feel almost interchangeable. The script itself is brilliant - perfectly playing with themes of love and longing and featuring some witty comedy, as well.

Full Movie Reviews

Ghost Seed
Ghost Seed

Rating of


Ghost Seed - wrote on 09/25/2008

Words could not express the *perfect* magnificence of this film.

When considering classic love-stories, Children of Paradise fits every adjective to describe beauty, tragedy, longing, LOVE - I blush even trying to review it.

This is other-worldly screenwriting. This is celluloid gold.

There are dramatic ups & downs that - even to this day, have yet to be equaled.
Here there are engaging, lovely characters that are full of dimension and depth...this is one of the best pieces of writing I've ever seen put to the screen. I learned so much just watching it.

During this 3 hour epic, we witness change and growth - painful choices of our main characters and the heartbreaking results, unimaginable devotion - selfless loyalty, and brave acts of recovery.

There has never been a …

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