The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2887

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 29

Theatrical Release Date: 03/29/1945

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Romance

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger

Actors: Roger Livesey, Anton Wallbrook, Deborah Kerr, Spencer Trevor, Roland Culver, Eric Maturin

Plot: The Second World war and Boer war veteran Major Clive Wynne-Candy (Roger Livesey) finds himself in charge of a home guard unit under attack from a young ambitious lieutenant.
Wynne-Candy,now a rotund and seemingly blustery old duffer is outraged when the Lieutenant and his troops invade his London Club breaking all the rules of fair warfare.
The two men argue then wrestle each other and end up falling into a swimming pool. As Wynne Candy emerges from the pool he has now become a young man and his life in the military is told in a series of flashbacks.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 05/21/2012

An acknowledged classic of british cinema, this journey through the life of a career military man is as modestly noble as the man it portrays. It has a light and comic tone punctuated by moving moments of extreme profundity, and tackles the subject of war and the fighting man without resorting to propaganda or manipulation. The three leads are all excellent, Deborah Kerr oddly playing three different parts, but it works. Roger Livesey in the role of the archetypal englishman (or at least the ideal of one) is immensely likeable and believable as history and politics shifts around him. Elegant, charming and intelligent.

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 06/05/2011

Though perhaps a little talky at times, Colonel Blimp is a film that explores feelings about war and nationalism through wit and energy. The sympathetic portrayal of the friendship between an English and German officer, as well as the inventive way the film illustrates the passage of time, are both ahead of its time, for when the film was made.

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The Life and Soul of the Party

gideon43 - wrote on 05/26/2010

Audacious and simply brilliant, Blimp is years ahead of its time in its structure and sentiments.
Although this is far from been an anti-war movie, it certainly isn't a drum beating, flag waving slice of propaganda.
Made at the height of the Second World War, Colonel Blimp is more of an attack on the British military system and its rather staid institutionalism's. Winston Churchill disliked the movie and made moves to get it banned because of the appearance of a sympathetic German although many historians note the resemblance between Blimp and Churchill himself.
Made in 1943, Blimp is now rightly considered a masterpiece of British Cinema, the acting is exemplary, Roger Livesey gives the performance of his life and Deborah Kerr is simply mesmerising.
A considerable legacy of Powell …

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