Movie Information
Overall Rank: 824
Average Rating: 3.1/4
# of Ratings: 37
Theatrical Release Date: 05/13/1963
Language: Swedish
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Ingmar Bergman
Actors: Ingrid Thulin, Gunnar Björnstrand, Gunnel Lindblom, Max von Sydow, Allan Edwall, Kolbjörn Knudsen
Plot: A pastor of the village church begins to question his faith, and the people around him, who need him most, suffer the consequences.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
GJ81 - wrote on 04/17/2009
Winter Light is a beautiful film. Not thematically, its incredibly sad, but it's beautiful to look at and to take part in. The film begins with a lengthy sermon to introduce the characters, and then looks at the pastor, who no longer hears the voice of God and worries his faith is just a trick of the mind. Its claustrophic use of the church for a good 40 minutes, finally opens up into the snow covered outdoors, I literally drew breath at the change of scene. But its this involvement in the movie which highlights its quality. The relationships and questions shown in the film are ones we have probably all asked ourselves, and with performances as real as these, its hard not to be swept in all the talk. A great and thoughtful movie.
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Versagen - wrote on 07/14/2016
Our Daily Free Stream: Ingmar Bergman - Winter Light (engl. subt.). Als die Filmkunstbar Fitzcarraldo noch in der Revaler Strasse lag, verstarb Ingmar Bergman. Bis dahin fragten nur wenige nach seinen Filmen - das änderte sich bis heute schlagartig. Denke ich an seinen Tod, verbinde ich den immer mit Nattvardsgästerna aus seiner "Silence Of god" Trilogie. Warum? Nattvardsgästerna handelt von einem Pfarrer, der nicht in der Lage ist, einem Gemeindemitglied die Angst vor dem nuklearen Holocaust zu nehmen. Eine Frau, die ihn trösten könnte, weist er zurück. Die Bilder habe ich noch heute deutlich vor Augen. Wie Bergman und sein Kameramann Sven Nykvest in einer Dorfkirche das Sonnenlicht auf seinem Weg durch den Raum festhalten. Nattvardsgästerna - ein Film über das Licht. Ich habe …
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