The Spiral Staircase Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2773

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 30

Theatrical Release Date: 02/06/1946

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Horror

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Robert Siodmak

Actors: Dorothy McGuire, George Brent, Ethel Barrymore, Rhonda Fleming, Elsa Lanchester, Rhys Williams

Plot: A killer is stalking women. There's a creepy house, a mute servant girl and some questionable residents. -- MaceeRae

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 08/01/2022

Eerie blend of film noir, mystery, and horror film about a mute servant girl stalked by a deranged serial killer in a mansion full of potential suspects.

Rating of

Allison - wrote on 10/27/2008

Extremely recommended, especially for Halloween. I remember looking forward to this movie, but it vastly exceeded my expectations. Full of mystery, charm, and suspense, I can't wait for the day when I finally will be able to see this one again.

Rating of

kcvidkid - wrote on 08/29/2008

My mother loves this movie; she watches it every time it's on TV. So when I finally had a chance to see it, I'm afraid I didn't understand her connection with it. I was kind of disappointed. A few weeks later, I can barely remember much about it except for its beautiful, black-and-white cinematography. It definitely had a "mood", but not one that lived up to its story. I guess from the description, I was expecting something similar to "Lady in a Cage" or "See No Evil". But it's much more subtle than those "thrillers". I'd watch it again to see if I missed something, but there are far too many movies I've never seen to waste time on this one.

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