Redbelt Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9675

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 20

Theatrical Release Date: 05/09/2008

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 08/26/2008

Language: English

Genre: Action, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: David Mamet

Actors: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alice Braga, Tim Allen, Emily Mortimer, Rodrigo Santoro, Rebecca Pidgeon

Plot: A mixed martial arts instructor finds himself in the position to accept a job in the film business. When the thinks about taking it, circumstances may force him to fight in the competition rather than continue his instruction.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Indyfreak - wrote on 01/11/2019

Chiwetel Ejiofor adds his characteristically quiet intensity to this mixture of MMA and film noir. As Mike Terry, a martial arts instructor with a strict code on honor, Ejiofor embodies the classical warrior poets of old. The plot is a tad more complicated than needs be;perhaps to highlight the depth of moral ambiguity that Mike Terry has to wade through while adhering to his principles.

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curious mediocrity...

danand82 - wrote on 09/07/2008

David Mamet has had a rather checkered history on the silver screen. As the man responsible for the screenplay of Glengarry Glen Ross and the director of minor classics like Heist he was rightly praised but rambling misfires like Edmond and the taut but slightly ridiculous Spartan have made his move from the theatre less than seamless. Mamet’s latest is Redbelt, for which he assumes writing and directing duties, and it is a mixed bag – indicative of his obvious talent as a storyteller but also his continued unease with the medium of film.

Redbelt tells the story of a martial arts teacher who, through a series of events, becomes embroiled in a morally bankrupt world where his way of life, his personal unwavering philosophy, is threatened. It is an archetypal story in many ways: the …

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