Road to Bali Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 15838

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 15

Theatrical Release Date: 11/19/1952

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/07/2010

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Musical

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Hal Walker

Actors: Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, Murvyn Vye, Peter Coe, Leon Askin

Plot: Having to leave Melbourne in a hurry to avoid various marriage proposals, two song-and-dance men sign on for work as divers. This takes them to an idyllic island on the way to Bali where they vie with each other for the favours of Princess Lala. The hazardous dive produces a chest of priceless jewels which arouses the less romantic interest of some shady locals.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Indyfreak - wrote on 05/03/2022

Madcap spoof of Hollywood adventure movies set on South Pacific islands with lagoons, sunken treasure, and exotic women. The 4th wall jokes are sometimes funny. The rapport between Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and their costar Dorothy Lamour is pretty solid. It can get pretty tiresome towards the end though.

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"Road To Bali" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/19/2012

The hapless duo go diving for sunken treasure in the South Pacific, which leaves ample scope for jokes about amorous gorillas, rubber giant squids and a wealth of glamorous island maidens. By this time, the Road movies had settled into a production line comfort zone, and the flat direction which lacks the necessary pizazz of the great musicals combined with the deeply unconvincing sound stage bound locations means that Bali relies entirely on the amiability of its stars. But let's face it, these old pros were never going to disappoint. The stream of Vaudevillian skits and songs are very familiar to anyone who knows the series and Hope and Crosby's usual backstabbing and bickering is just as fun as always. It's a bit like watching an extended sketch from a Morecambe And Wise Christmas …

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