Watch on the Rhine Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9102

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 10

Theatrical Release Date: 08/27/1943

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Herman Shumlin

Actors: Bette Davis, Paul Lukas, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Lucile Watson, Beulah Bondi, George Coulouris

Plot: Sara and Kurt Muller and their three children are returning to her mother's home in Washington DC after 18 years in Europe. A Romanian Count living there discovers Kurt's attache case full of money. He also finds out from friends at the German Embassy that Kurt is working with an anti-Nazi underground group in Germany. He tries to blackmail Kurt. Kurt shoots him and must flee. When Sara hears no more of Kurt, she knows that her oldest son Joshua will soon leave to work in the underground.

Full Movie Reviews

Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
Movie God

Rating of

Poor film but a great performance

Ichabod Crane - wrote on 11/17/2009

A film that does not really work for the most part. It has a lot of relationship that are not fully written and a lot of scenes that really are pointless. Its spy story is fairly okay the ending of it works quite well actually. The rest does not though. The characters for the most part are poorly developed and it is another film that painfully simplifies the Spanish civil war. The climax is good as are the main male character and the antagonist but no one else. One biggest problem I have are the terrible child actors in this film. Especially the young boy I could not stand his complete lack of any acting ability what so ever.

Oscar Win Best Actor Paul Lukas 5/5- Paul Lukas is great in his role and is the best part of the film. He is particularly good in the final climax which stops …

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