Tekkon Kinkreet ( Tekon kinkurîto ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4027

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 17

Theatrical Release Date: 07/13/2007

Language: Japanese

Genre: Anime, Adventure

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Michael Arias

Actors: Kazunari Ninomiya, Yû Aoi, Yusuke Iseya, Kankurô Kudô, Min Tanaka, Rokurô Naya

Plot: The story takes place in the fictional Takara Machi (宝町 Treasure Town) and centers on a pair of orphaned street kids: the tough, canny Kuro (クロ Black) and the childish, snot-nosed Shiro (シロ White), together known as the Neko (猫 Cats), as they deal with Yakuza attempting to take over Takara Machi.

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"Tekkon Kinkreet" by Amanda

symp4thedevil - wrote on 09/13/2012

Tekkon Kinkreet is not on par with anything Hayao Miyazaki or Satoski Kon would envision. It is as dark, twisted and surreal as Satoski Kon's "Paprika" ...but only on its surface. The art style isnt as breathtaking as anything Hayao Miyazaki has created and doesnt celebrate Japanese culture. Rather, like its director, it is an American take on the style that is anime. Backgrounds in the film show realistic urban decay. Character design reminds me of Nickelodeon's "The Wild Thornberries." While nothing is new, it is enjoyable. It is essentially a mosh of several different greater films and art styles into something that just settles on being mediocre.

The story is heavily focused on elemental and spiritual opposites... a positive/negative element which is obvious when you are …

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